Ke Zhao


Ye Peida Honors College
School of Information and Communication Engineering
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Xitucheng Road, Haidian District
Beijing, China


"The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery."  --Anais Nin

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious."  --Albert Einstein

Biography [CV]

I am currently a junior undergraduate majoring in Telecommunication Engineering at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. My full CV can be viewed here.

My research interests include wireless networking, information theory, security, and machine learning---with a particular interest at the intersections of these fields. I am dedicated to taking the connection between human beings to another level.

I am currently working on physical-layer security in wireless networks focusing on IoT scenario under the guidance of Prof. Xiaofeng Tao.

Current Rank & GPA [Transcript]

Project Experience [More Details]

(Working on it......)Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networks

Fast-Response Monitor System for Network of Vehicles Based on FPGA Deep Learning Platform

3D Head Model Construction from a Single Image for 3D Printing

(International PBL project in cooperation with The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)

Light-weight Object Detection Program for Smart Monitors

Autonomous Delivery Car Based on Deep Learning Techniques

AI Gobang Chess Game Based on Binary Search Tree Techniques

Honors & Awards

11/2018   National Scholarship
05/2018   Selected into Ye Peida Honors College
11/2017   1st Prize in National University Student Mathematics Competition
11/2017   1st prize in Beijing University Student Mathematics Competition
08/2017   Enterprise Scholarship Sponsored by JJWorld (Beijing) Network Technology Co.
07/2017   Merit Student of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
05/2017   Accepted into the Honors Program of School of Information and Communication Engineering

© Ke Zhao | Last updated: 01/28/2019